there something that been bugging me ,
something that no one could ever understands .
its bout something that unease me within myself .
make me been misunderstood as a teenage .
perhaps this happen to all teenage but,
when i discuss it with someone ,
he/she seem to don't get it .
they just seem lost .
worse and worse each time it appear in my heart .
it just won't go away ,
even with pills .
my heart kept tearin' apart ,
feeling lonely ,
unsecured ,
and anxiety of what might happen if . . . .
it just kept bugging me .
i start to question every thing i done ,
every move i make ,
every single thing i does in this world ,
just kept asking ,
'why am i live in this world if i don't have anyone to share it with?'
maybe i'm meant to be depressive .
maybe i'm meant to be love beggar .
maybe i'm meant to be hate .
maybe i'm meant to be no one .
the feeling exist in me maybe
b'cause am suited being alone ,
that none would ever noticed am here .
all by myself .
without anyone
by my-side .
but don't felt it by their own .
something that people realize ,
but to late to understand .
something people wish they knew ,
but it over when they do .
lastly ,
am not a typical boy
that believe love is the answer to all my questions .
am just to tired being alone and ,
that's who i am actually .
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