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A very small degree of hope is sufficient to cause the birth of love . Little bit of lie will ruined it all instantly .
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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Sorry for the INCOHERENT .

it just like yesterday that i felt love once more,
for some moment,
i really thought that we might be together ,
yet i jumped to the conclusion too early .

i just realize how much alike differ we're  ,
and i just can't say that i NEED you even when i do .
i just know that we can't be TOGETHER b'cause
we're not meant for each other and for that ,

this might happen to fast for both of us ,
we didn't know each other the best .
we didn't know each other well .
most important ,
we didn't know that love did exist between us and ,
its just went away in breeze air before we even know it .
b'cause of that ,

like taylor swift lyrics ,
' so many thing that i wish u knew but the story of us might be ending soon . ' but
i really hope that,
next time if we ever meet again,
we'll be friend first then next step
 i can't handle another heartbreak once again .


soon TO BE FAMOUS !!